How Powerful Is Your American Passport?

King Henry V of England is said to have invented the first passport as a means of helping his subjects prove who they were in foreign lands. The earliest reference to these documents is found in a 1414 Act of Parliament. Today, your passport is your entry into foreign...

Benefits of Biking Through Your European Travels

Traveling is always full of entertainment and adventure. It doesn’t matter if you’re flying over the Atlantic Ocean, bussing through a busy street in Rome, or driving across a peaceful stretch of rural France, there is always fun to be had as you move from one tourist...

Tips on How to Be a Medical Tourist in Europe

You don’t need a study to know that healthcare in the U.S. is expensive. But to put it in perspective, Johns Hopkinspublished a paper comparing U.S. healthcare spending to other developed countries. As you probably imagine, the U.S. is the priciest. Americans...